Paddington Basin Redevelopment

Richard Rogers who is famous for his revolutionary hi tec style has designed several of Britains most famous and controversial buildings; including Lloyds of London's City headquarters and the Millennium Dome, was asked to design a landmark tower for the Paddington basin development. The huge site behind the station was formerly a busy goods yard from which loads of industrial.... stuff was shipped all over the country by canal. For the last 40 or so years its been empty and contaminated. Many plans to develop the site have failed due to recessions and restrictions but this plan is the most high profile yet.

Maybe it isnt the ideal site for a tower? Especially as single lone towers were one of the 60s most hated legacies and even though its a cool design maybe it would be more at home in the middle of the Square Mile. In fact I dont want to be diplomatic, the tower shouldnt be built here.